Policy last updated: 23rd of January, 2025

A notice will be made if this document is changed.

This document was written with the best of intentions, but has not been reviewed by a GDPR compliance expert. Such a review has been requested from the relevant Data Protection Authority in Belgium, and this document will be updated to reflect any feedback provided to us, when that feedback is provided.

Contact information.

Data Controller: TsjipTsjip (Project Manager and Server Manager at Sector Umbra)

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

  1. Game server operation: To offer members-only access to the Sector Umbra game server, on the conditions outlined in our server rules.
  2. Game server rules enforcement: To enforce our server rules and uphold imposed punishments for violations of our server rules, even if the member is no longer whitelisted on our server as a result, in the interest of maintaining a safe and moderated environment for our members.
  3. Website operation: To offer public access to supplementary information via this website and the wiki website.
  4. Wiki accounts: To permit easy modification to authorised individuals of pages on the wiki website.
  5. Round replays: To offer access to replay recordings made from scheduled sessions recorded on the Sector Umbra game server for the purpose of browsing and referencing past in-universe events.
  6. Patreon donations: To allow members who wish to do so the ability to donate to the project financially for the purpose of funding the monthly costs hosting the server incurs.

We use these numbers to link back to these purposes throughout the document.

We consider the purposes listed above to be lawful purposes for processing personal data on the following grounds for processing listed in Art. 6 of the GDPR:

Legal basis1.
Processing to perform a contract
Explicit consent for processing
Legitimate interest for processing

What data do we process for these purposes?

Data type1.
SS14 Account names
SS14 Account ID’s
Admin logs
Round participation
Internet Protocol addresses
Robust Hardware ID’s
Patreon account information

Who processes this data?

Person / RoleSS14 NameSS14 IDALogsRound participationIP’sHWID’sPatreon info
Project Managers
Game Masters


As of the 24th of January 2025, the Sector Umbra game server codebase has the ability to perform automatic IPIntel checking with IP addresses of connecting clients. Sector Umbra does not use this functionality, and connecting IP addresses are explicitly not shared with this third party.

How long is this data retained after processing?

This is defined per-purpose. If multiple retention periods apply of which at least one has not expired, data is still retained but the data will not be used for purposes whose retention period has expired. If all applicable retention periods expire, the server will require at most an additional 7 days to fully remove the data from disk due to technical constraints. Data considered to be deleted will not show up in backups.

Retention periods:

  1. Game server operation: Not retained after functional purpose (= maintaining the connection and permitted the user to play) ends.
  2. Game server rules enforcement: Retained for 1 year after the connection that provided the information ends. Admin notes and bans are retained for 1 year after issuing and after expiring respectively.
  3. Website operation: Not retained after connection ends.
  4. Wiki accounts: Retained for as long as the wiki account is relevant. Accounts can be deleted on request.
  5. Round replays: Retained for 2 months after the replay is recorded, deleted afterwards.
  6. Patreon donations: Retained by Patreon for as long as Patreon deems the retention relevant. Sector Umbra is not able to delete information on request, these requests should be directed to Patreon instead. We do not store personal data used for this purpose outside of Patreon.

Disclosure on third-party sharing of information.

The following third-parties have access to personal data under the conditions defined: